43521-32C00-000 - Suzuki

Certified Genuine Suzuki Parts
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The spare front footrest bar part number 43521-32C00-000 is a genuine Suzuki part which means it is exactly the same as the one mounted at the factory when the vehicle was new
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Original part number Suzuki
Part Diagram Vehicle information Country Part diagram
GSX-R 400 1990 GSX-R400RFL(E30) Singapore FOOTREST
GSX-R 400 1991 GSX-R400RFM(E30) Singapore FOOTREST
GSX-R 400 1990 GSX-R400RL(E30) Singapore FOOTREST
GSX-R 400 1991 GSX-R400RM(E30) Singapore FOOTREST
GSX-R 400 1992 GSX-R400RN(E30) Singapore FOOTREST
GSX-R 400 1993 GSX-R400RP(E30) Singapore FOOTREST
GSX-R 400 1994 GSX-R400RR(E30) Singapore FOOTREST
RG 125 1992 RG125FN(E18) Switzerland FOOTREST
RG 125 1992 RG125FN(N/P/R) FOOTREST
RG 125 1993 RG125FP(E18) Switzerland FOOTREST
RG 125 1993 RG125FP(N/P/R) FOOTREST
RG 125 1994 RG125FR(E18) Switzerland FOOTREST
RG 125 1994 RG125FR(N/P/R) FOOTREST
RG 125 1992 RG125FUN(E18) Switzerland FOOTREST
RG 125 1992 RG125FUN(N/P/R) FOOTREST
RG 125 1993 RG125FUP(E18) Switzerland FOOTREST
RG 125 1993 RG125FUP(N/P/R) FOOTREST
RG 125 1994 RG125FUR(E18) Switzerland FOOTREST
RG 125 1994 RG125FUR(N/P/R) FOOTREST
RG 125 1999 RG125FX(E6) South africa FOOTREST
RG 125 1992 RG125UN(E2) United kingdom FOOTREST
RG 250 1989 RGV250K FOOTREST
RG 250 1991 RGV250M(E24) Australia FOOTREST
RG 250 1992 RGV250N(E24) Australia FOOTREST
RG 250 1993 RGV250P(E24) Australia FOOTREST
RG 250 1994 RGV250R(E24) Australia FOOTREST
RG 250 1996 RGV250T(E24) Australia FOOTREST
RG 250 1997 RGV250V(E1) General export FOOTREST
STREET-MAGIC 50 1998 TR50SW(E2) United kingdom STAND
STREET-MAGIC 50 1998 TR50SW(E2) United kingdom STAND
STREET-MAGIC 50 1999 TR50SX(E2) United kingdom STAND
STREET-MAGIC 50 1999 TR50SX(E2) United kingdom STAND
STREET-MAGIC 50 2000 TR50SY(E2) United kingdom STAND
STREET-MAGIC 50 2000 TR50SY(E2) United kingdom STAND
RG 250 1989 RGV250K(E24) Australia FOOTREST
RG 250 1989 RGV250 K FOOTREST
RG 125 1994 RG125FU R FOOTREST