61100-49811-019 - Suzuki

Certified Genuine Suzuki Parts
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The spare swinging arm set (black) part number 61100-49811-019 is a genuine Suzuki part which means it is exactly the same as the one mounted at the factory when the vehicle was new
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Original part number Suzuki
Part Diagram Vehicle information Country Part diagram
GS 1000 1980 GS1000ET(T) Europe SWINGARM
GS 1000 1980 GS1000ET(T) Europe SWINGARM
GS 1000 1980 GS1000HT(T) Europe SWINGARM
GS 1000 1980 GS1000HT(T) Europe SWINGARM
GS 1000 1980 GS1000T(T) Europe SWINGARM
GS 1000 1980 GS1000T(T) Europe SWINGARM
GSX-E 1100 1980 GSX1100ET(T/X) SWINGARM (GSX1100T, GSX1100X)
GSX-E 1100 1980 GSX1100ET(T/X) SWINGARM (GSX1100T, GSX1100X)
GSX-E 1100 1981 GSX1100EX(T/X) SWINGARM (GSX1100T, GSX1100X)
GSX-E 1100 1981 GSX1100EX(T/X) SWINGARM (GSX1100T, GSX1100X)
GSX 1100 1980 GSX1100T(T/X) SWINGARM (GSX1100T, GSX1100X)
GSX 1100 1980 GSX1100T(T/X) SWINGARM (GSX1100T, GSX1100X)
GSX 1100 1981 GSX1100X(T/X) SWINGARM (GSX1100T, GSX1100X)
GSX 1100 1981 GSX1100X(T/X) SWINGARM (GSX1100T, GSX1100X)