63120-12E00-000 - Suzuki

Certified Genuine Suzuki Parts
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The spare 63120-12e00-000 part number 63120-12E00-000 is a genuine Suzuki part which means it is exactly the same as the one mounted at the factory when the vehicle was new
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Original part number Suzuki
Part Diagram Vehicle information Country Part diagram
DR 650 1994 DR650R(E4) France REAR FENDER
DR 650 1992 DR650RN(E4) France REAR FENDER
DR 650 1992 DR650RN(N/P/R) Europe REAR FENDER
DR 650 1993 DR650RP(E4) France REAR FENDER
DR 650 1993 DR650RP(N/P/R) Europe REAR FENDER
DR 650 1994 DR650RR(E4) Belgique REAR FENDER
DR 650 1994 DR650RR(N/P/R) Netherlands REAR FENDER
DR 650 1992 DR650RUN(E4) Deutschland REAR FENDER
DR 650 1992 DR650RUN(N/P/R) Europe REAR FENDER
DR 650 1993 DR650RUP(E4) France REAR FENDER
DR 650 1993 DR650RUP(N/P/R) Deutschland REAR FENDER
DR 650 1994 DR650RUR(E4) Deutschland REAR FENDER
DR 650 1994 DR650RUR(N/P/R) Australia REAR FENDER
DR 650 1994 DR650SER(E28) Canada REAR FENDER (MODEL N / P)
DR 650 1995 DR650SES(E28) Canada REAR FENDER (MODEL N / P)
DR 650 1992 DR650SN(E28) Canada REAR FENDER (MODEL N / P)
DR 650 1993 DR650SP(E28) Canada REAR FENDER (MODEL N / P)
DR 650 1994 DR650R R/DR650RU R Europe REAR FEDNER